Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Start the Week Thoughts

I am already hearing from what I can only categorize as "gloating" anti-abortionists who are "happy" that Dr. Tiller was gunned down in church. Even as opposed to abortion as I am, I cannot see this as anything other than a crime and a vile one at that. Sorry folks, if you claim Christianity as your faith then you have no choice either. This is a pathetic and despicable act that will HARM the anti-abortion movement.

I am also hearing from those who are angry that the coming Budget cuts are going to "disproportionally effect" the poor. Well, maybe the "poor" should have taken the time to show up and vote to raise taxes and spending. They couldn't be bothered to show up to vote and participate in the process as something other than societal parasites, so I can only conclude that they either don't actually care or they aren't savvy enough to figure out that the producers in society are tired of carrying them.

The PDRK continues to make noise about flinging ICBM's about the North Pacific. Nobody cares.

Am I the only person happy that Susan Boyle not only lst but had a breakdown over it? What a fake!

Oh... and Sasha Baron Cohen and what's-his-name just isn't all that funny.

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