Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Great EPA Reprt Suppression Affair

To listen to most of my compatriots lately you'd think that Alan Carlins EPA report "disproving" global warming is being suppressed and he is also being "reassigned" is the most Earth shaking example of aluminum hat conspiracies on the left side of the world.


Three things to consider. First, for all it matters Alan Carlin and his magical report could be right - global warming could be a complete and ToTaL hoax. But for all the reports, books, articles and discussions out there already, Alan Carlins' report is meaningless and it will convince no one. If you still believe in Global Warming, Alan Carlin is not going to change your or anybody else in Congress' mind.

Second, although he could be right, Mr. Carlin is NOT a scientist. He's an accountant. So, while it might be an entertaining and correct report of the facts, the idea that it is an accountant presenting the position of the entire anti-Global Warming Movement isn't going to help matters. Don't we have an actual Scientist with the same data, opionions and interpetations? (Yes, we do)

Lastly we pay Mr. Carlin to be an accountant. His supervisor improperly "allowed" him to produce this report on company (taxpayers) time. Again, the report might be correct, but we don't pay him to write global warming reports, we pay him to account. The supervisor was wrong to allow him to produce such a report on our time, and now feels (according to Mr. Carlin) that he (the supervisor) had to "reassign" Mr. Carlin or lose his own job. Well of course he did - he should never have allowed Mr. Carlin to do this "report" on our time to begin with. Now he has to "suppress" an unsolicted, unsupported, unnecessary and un-scientific report in order to cover his own Accounted Department behind.

For all it matters, the report (such as it is) might be absolutely correct, BUT it's not from a person who (a) should be making the report or (b) is paid to make the report or (c) ought to be doing his real job and is poorly supervised.

By this point in time, if you need Alan Carlin to support the anti-Global Warming position then you've been asleep for a decade. In the meantime we've been paying Mr. Carlin to not do his job.

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