Monday, June 22, 2009

The FDA Takes on Tobacco

I guess that I am happy that on the same day he announced that we the Tax Payers would increase our debt to pay for more Medi-Care Prescription Drug Coverage (by the by, didn’t President Bush promise us that was solved a few years back?) he also announced that he personally had finally and at long last defeated the evil tobacco companies that kill 400,000 Americans every year. By his actions that now remove the management of Tobacco from the ATF and put it under the FDA, supposedly all will be well and 400,000 Americans will not die next year from smoking.


First off, is there anybody actually left who doesn’t know that smoking is (a) stupid and (b) will seriously harm your health, (c) kill you and (d) most importantly annoy me?

For all the posturing by the POTUS yesterday you have to ask the standard questions about any Government policy such as just where will all that tobacco lobby money go now? If raising tobacco taxes actually worked to get people to stop smoking why does the government continue to subsidize tobacco farmers? Most importantly if you really want to stop smoking, why not just make it illegal, you know, like owning a gun or keeping your own money?

The fact is that not a single life will be saved by this action, and in fact the Tobacco companies will get richer since they will have to raise their rates to cover the cost of the new packages with the “enhanced visual” warnings on the labels. Just think about that, the warnings now are comic books because the oh-so-successful school system is producing kids who can’t read the current warning labels, not that they would matter if they did.

In the end, this won’t stop a single kid from trying to be cool and fit in with his or her friends because peer pressure is what sells cigarettes, not advertising. And this new FDA managed tobacco policy still won’t stop the stupid wonks – there’s one near you right now – who insist on smoking in their cars but have the window open and the cigarette hanging out the window so that everybody can suffer from their own stupidity.

If it’s so great, why not keep it in the car with the window up? Maybe GM can also deal with smoking after the FDA proves to be ineffective?

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