Wednesday, June 3, 2009

66% Roman Catholic Supreme Court?

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad, but once again I get eMails blaming the "liberal Jews" for all the ills of the world and country. On the same day, some anti-religious group is complaining that "if" Judge Sotomayer is approved and seated on the Supreme Court that the religious makeup of the court would be 66% Roman Catholic.

Putting aside the obvious "so what?" response, lets delve a bit deeper. Judge Sotomayer does not belong to any parish or church. She is "Catholic" in name only and since Senator Feinstein thinks that her position on abortion is just dandy, one could conclude that Judge Sotomayer is about as Roman Catholic as I am.

Moreover many of the more liberal Justices have been and indeed are Roman Catholic which flies in the face of logic except that the fact is that most so-called religious people really aren't and don't actually believe the things that they say they believe (which is generally true of Western Christianity in any case). From Nancy (Catholic) Pelosi who supports abortion to Judge Sotomayer whose position on abortion is acceptable to leftist, it is pretty clear that the Roman Catholics in the Judicial branch don't really believe their own religious faith in the first place.

But I equally as certain that I won't get an eMail decring the failure of Catholics on the most powerful liberty smashing bench in the world to live up tho their religious tenents instead of the typical "I hate Jews" eMail that I will get.

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