Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nekulturny Callers

Okay Delta-Sierra, I get that you “don’t like” outgoing Modesto Police Chief Roy Wasden or that the Bee did an article praising him for his almost nine years of service to the City.

Big Whoop.

If you have issues with the Modesto Bee and their stories, write them a letter and explain how much you think the Police Chief sucked and what a better job you would have done in his place.

Or even better, run for City Council and hire somebody better.

If the ToTaL sum of your complaint is that he is leaving (which he announced in December) and you now want to take a chance to dump on the guy because per capita we lead the world in Car Theft rates for three of last five years I would respectfully* submit that you are an ass-hat.

When somebody leaves a job after doing a reasonably good job it is customary to congratulate him or her and wish him or her well, which is what the Bee did. Anything less is nekulturny and best left in your barn.

Chief Wasden did a whale of a job in a difficult place to work. There aren’t very many people who would take the crap he took with the dignity and grace that he did while at the same time doing a reasonably good job.

What says the most is that when a grant deadline was missed he stood up and took the hit. The truth is that it was some low level functionary who actually screwed up, but unlike his predecessor Chief Wasden understands the principles of leadership and stood up for his Department. I am equally certain that the real culprit understands fully and frankly the consequences of the screw up and at the same time is equally impressed and grateful that his or her name never made it into the papers. That is leadership and Roy Wasden has “it.”

Congrats to Chief Wasden and to the City of Turlock.

Dave! Diamond

*respectfully so that I am not accused of cyber-bullying.

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