Tuesday, May 19, 2009

GOP Liberty Caucus

Got an eMail overnight "telling" me all about the "wonderful liberty loving Republican Liberty Caucus" and how I should be promoting this group.

Okay, fine let's vet the GOP Liberty Caucus:

Barry Goldwater - Up Check
Ronald Regan - Up Check
Ron Paul - Two Down Checks (how did Ron Paul become the face of modern conservatism?)

Platform Items

· Lower and fewer taxes for individuals and businesses - Up Check

· The right of privacy for individuals - Up Check

· The right of law-abiding individuals keep and bear arms - Up Check

· Balanced budgets through spending cuts - Up Check

· Educational choice - No comment - insufficient detail for ruling

· Freedom of speech for individuals - Up Check - as long as it is ALL individuals

· Protection of property rights for individuals and businesses - Up Check

· Market-based health care - Up Check

· Alternatives to the federal War on Drugs - Down check

· All-volunteer armed forces - Up Check

· Sound monetary policies - ? As defined by whom? Ron Paul?

· Deregulation - Up Check

· Phase-out of foreign aid - Down Check

· Phase-out of federal welfare - Down Check

· Private options for Social Security - Unconvinced

· Free trade - Up Check

· Privatization of government functions - Up Check

So all I am left with is a simple question for the GOP Liberty Caucus: Who did you (a) endorse and (b) vote for in November? Did the GOPLC support McCain? Did you support Abel Maldanado? When push comes to shove are you going to vote GOP regardless of the the Candidates position on your issues?

Let me know. Like most things it sounds good, but I am suspicious of deals that sound good.

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