Saturday, May 30, 2009

California State Budget Pandering on the CSU System

The state budget pandering is quickly reaching incredible heights, from my personal "No" vote of all six of the recent props is going to kill somebody to the hand wringing over the states higher educations system raising fees while cutting student aid, you might have the impression that there is nothing left to cut and that the budgetary sky is falling.

It’s not, and just sitting here you can pretty well see that it is not.

From a purely philosophical standpoint we can ask the question, what is the state Government supposed to be doing versus what we want it to do, and then argue from there.

For my own part, I have always believed that if you want or need a college education, then pay for one. Stop expecting the tax payers to fund it in any way shape or form. Thousands of Americans have done this, and now we are supposed to believe that here in California people today are too stupid to figure out how to go to school and pay for it? Truth is that they probably aren’t going to benefit much from a college education. Moreover, if you are looking for the real educational value of college, consider that while raising your fees, the administrative salaries aren’t getting cut or getting any smaller. So the true educational lesson in economics is a lesson you could have gotten for free from P.T. Barnum.

K-12, fine, but nowhere is there any right to a college education, and anybody dumb enough to not see the waste and largess in the California higher education system probably isn’t going to benefit from the education provided anyway.

Except to tell me how they support it because without it the sky will fall….

State Parks Are NOT Necessary

I like State Parks and for that matter National Parks, but this mornings Bee screams that the "Governor puts parks on hit list" and details that "only" 59 (out of 279) would remain open.

State Parks are nice, but thay are NOT a necessary function of State Government. They SHOULD be cut and the savings that we get from these cuts are around $210million over two years.

Just think about that for a second.

While Parks can serve a purpose, is it a function as envisioned by the Founders and Framers that TAX dollars, taken at the point of a gun would be used to force us to pay for leisure destinations and/or historical preservation? I am all about preserving history, but it should be done at a reasonable cost and with selective consideration.

In the first place, 279 State Parks is waaay too many. Fifty-Nine might still be too many, if you run the math, the cost of running the State Parks is over $1million PER PARK per year.

There aren't very many places in the world that are worth that to begin with, let along the savings being worth that.

Again, State Parks might be nice, but is that what the State Government is SUPPOSED to be doing? Or is it just job creation for State employees?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Googling the PDRK

So after the show on Wednesday I decided to go to Google Earth and take a mental vacation. For some reason I thought that North Korea might be just the place to go on this trip, but wasn't really expecting to see much given the extreme closed culture and the news that the place is essentially destitute and broke.

I was somewhat surprised as I Google-flew into Pyongyang I was a little taken back at the modern and massive city. I wasn't surprised that there was no Street view as there is in a lot of other cool places on my Google-trips, but I was able to find my way around and even got to an amusement park with a massive looping Roller-coaster!

After traveling about the city for a while I started getting that weird feeling again, and I realized that something is wrong. Okay... two things were wrong.

First, even though it was a daytime shot, there were virtually no cars on any of the roads and no people anywhere. It was weird. Go over to Tokyo or Seoul and you'll see what I mean. I figured that maybe it was just the wrong time of day, so I headed over to the coastal cities figuring that there is always activity there.

There wasn't.

So I started wondering why the people weren't out there. The only reasonable conclusion is the destitution of the PDRK is real.

But one of the ore surprising things is how detailed the Google Earth photos of the PDRK are. Consider, if the Google people can get that detailed in North Korea, what does the CIA know?

It was just a little Google-trip, but I was glad to get back to Modesto.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Look, I get that that there are those among the Conservative movement who like lunatics of years gone by want to blame the Jews for everything from bad weather to economic woes (as opposed to a POTUS/Congress who spend like drunk sailors). But seriously, it's getting old.

I am not any more enamored of Rahm Emanuel than many of you, but the FACT is that he DID NOT serve in the Israeli Army. Sorry, it it untrue and your telling me that he and Benjamin Netanyahu are "cousins" doesn't make it so. Moreover, making sure that you aren't sending any actual evidence is likely to convince me that nothing other than hateful anti-Semitism is at work as opposed to any actual Conservative values.

Don't we have enought real issues to deal with instead of makingup crap just because a few people hate Jews?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How To Attract Young Conservatives

I was watching NatGeo (as I often do) the other day . It was a special on American Nazis and how they use music to attract young people. It was pretty shocking and disgusting, but one really can't argue with the overall effectiveness given that the Pop music world does exactly the same thing to attract younger folks to its point of view.

We Conservatives and even the GOPers are constantly complaining about how the left uses both the media and pop culture to influence the younger generations, but somehow or another we seem to miss the obvious lesson.

Which is why I had such a great time Saturday night in Ripon at the Main Street Inn, watching E.A.R.L. release their newest CD. Most stogy old folk aren't going to like them at all. Still, I am telling you, it can be done and it doesn't have to be overt or smashing people over the head with doctrine. The fact is that thought processes are influenced slowly and gently.

Or in this case, with good music and fun people.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Impertinent thoughts for a Friday

Sheesh, I am so tired of Politicians who are late. If you schedule a speech or press conference for 10am, show up at 0955. This "She's always a little bit late" crap is unprofessional and rude. If you can't be on time, then don't schedule the press availability. Okay, once is an accident, but this is every dang time. From the POTUS who can't seem to get anywhere on time to the Speaker who is "always running a little bit late" it is just pathetically unprofessional. Think classy, you'll be classy. And the number one way of insulting people is wasting their time waiting on you.

Can you guess that I HATE late people?

I am ToTaLly convinced that the State Legislature not only will not solve the Budget problem but is 100% incapable of solving it. The proposed slashing will never happen because the Democrats will scream bloody murder about the "Poor" being hurt so badly. The people with property to protect will never allow fire and police cuts. Impasse city and the Legislature has no clue how to get out of it.

Tim Giethner told us that it will take "an act of congress" to guarantee bonds for a California Bailout. Okay.... that's a little unnerveing. "Hey Congress, you need to pass a law to Bailout California because I am not taking that fall for that one...."

Don't Politicians understand how silly Honorary Degrees are? Nancy Pelosi got hers yesterday and so decided to open her press conference with "Since I got my honorary degree from Johns Hopkins (a medical school) it has been a wonderful week for energy policy....." These honorary degrees are pointless and frankly they ought to embarrass the people who get them for the reasons the get them. "Thanks for showing up, here's a joke degree that you won't get because you can't read Latin...."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wide Open Redux

There are some things that just "are." It's hard to explain, but when these things - for some reason, "aren't" then it should immediately indicate a problem and in this case, we blew it.

During yesterdays Wide Open Wednesday Show in which we got into what should have been a hot topic of religious freedom, the phones died.

So we'll make up for it today after we finish up with Adam on the Modesto Budget.

Wide Open Redux....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Memorial Day Show

Just finished recording the first hour of the Memorial Day show. Usually on a Holiday we do a “Best Of” show - thanks to California Labor Law we literally (or I guess I literally) cannot work on a designated company Holiday, so usually the “Best Of” is the easiest way to go.

But this is Memorial day and it just seemed sad to do that that when I have so much to say on the matter of sacrifice and the military. So I sat down this morning and recorded at least an hour of show content about Memorial Day. I have to tell you it wasn’t as easy as it sounds on listening to the air check. I picked out some music pieces that left me choked up and thinking about stuff in the context of Memorial Day. It’s always a hard day for me as I recall the personal friend I lost in 1990, Chris.

Anyway, at least the first hour of Monday will be “new” content and for me was far more emotional than I thought it would be. Hope I got my point across.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

GOP Liberty Caucus

Got an eMail overnight "telling" me all about the "wonderful liberty loving Republican Liberty Caucus" and how I should be promoting this group.

Okay, fine let's vet the GOP Liberty Caucus:

Barry Goldwater - Up Check
Ronald Regan - Up Check
Ron Paul - Two Down Checks (how did Ron Paul become the face of modern conservatism?)

Platform Items

· Lower and fewer taxes for individuals and businesses - Up Check

· The right of privacy for individuals - Up Check

· The right of law-abiding individuals keep and bear arms - Up Check

· Balanced budgets through spending cuts - Up Check

· Educational choice - No comment - insufficient detail for ruling

· Freedom of speech for individuals - Up Check - as long as it is ALL individuals

· Protection of property rights for individuals and businesses - Up Check

· Market-based health care - Up Check

· Alternatives to the federal War on Drugs - Down check

· All-volunteer armed forces - Up Check

· Sound monetary policies - ? As defined by whom? Ron Paul?

· Deregulation - Up Check

· Phase-out of foreign aid - Down Check

· Phase-out of federal welfare - Down Check

· Private options for Social Security - Unconvinced

· Free trade - Up Check

· Privatization of government functions - Up Check

So all I am left with is a simple question for the GOP Liberty Caucus: Who did you (a) endorse and (b) vote for in November? Did the GOPLC support McCain? Did you support Abel Maldanado? When push comes to shove are you going to vote GOP regardless of the the Candidates position on your issues?

Let me know. Like most things it sounds good, but I am suspicious of deals that sound good.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Using South American Religious Traditions

Okay, while I adhere to the teachings of Moshe and the Torah, my own personal observation and experience cause me to pay attention when given advice by my best friend who happens to be from a South American Country.

Recently upon advice from her and her own religious tradition- a simple act of what I would classify as "witch doctoring" could result in accomplishing what I could not myself.

Not saying that I believe in this stuff, but the last time I went with her to carry out one of these processes the result was pretty impressive. So hopefully this time, the similar things will happen.

Are You "Real?"

Had an interesting question the other night from a listener at the Angels & Demons premier, which by the by, was pretty good, about me and while at first I didn’t really understand the question reflection helped me see what I think that he was actually asking.

One of the dangers of radio is that one becomes a disembodied voice coming out of a box. It’s a very difficult medium to work in as I have told you before for two big reasons. First there is no immediate “push back” from an audience. Yes, there are calls and eMails, but those come AFTER anything I have to say has already been said. There is no immediate gasp or laugh or sucking in of breath that helps a live speaker gauge how his or her audience is reacting. Calls and eMails take time, and really the HARDEST thing to learn in radio is how to compensate for that loss of “push back.”

The second thing is that there is not the visual element of Television or movies. Radio is live (for the most part) and there are no “second takes.” In TV or films an actor gets multiple chances to get it right, followed by a directors massaging to get the emotional feel of the lighting or soundtrack (or even laugh track) just right to convey a response. I imagine the actual act of the TV or Film is hard but there isn’t the immediate death of no push back. If the audience hates a film, the actor may not know for years.

There is an element of radio that causes people to wonder if what they hear – and consequently see in their minds – is “real.” Which is what I was asked last night, “Are you real?”

The immediate response should show that I am real – I am an innate smartass and so I instantly responded that I was in fact real and made a soft physics joke, but that really wasn’t what the listener was looking for in an answer.

I can only speculate about the past here on KFIV, but it would seem based on this one listener (not the greatest database of observation I grant you) that at some point in the past one or more of my predecessors were not “real.” I asked for clarification and the listener responded that he wanted to know if the person I am on the air is the person I am off the air.

In short, yes.

Yeah, I have a stage name, but as I have explained innumerable times it wasn’t my idea and at one point we had a plan to dump it (before it turned out that sales focus groups liked the stage name). So I presume that what he was asking was about who I am beliefs-wise as it relates to me on the air.

I am pretty sure that I am. I won’t deny that there is an occasional “put-up” to start a discussion or get people thinking, but usually those are pretty obvious. So yes, the beliefs that I espouse on the air are in fact my real everyday world beliefs.

Hannity always says that one has to be real on the air or one won’t last, and I believe that he is right. My all-time favorite chat show host is a guy by the name of Mike Sorce who lived his life on the air – including the tragic death of his beloved wife. He never made a deal of hiding behind his stage name, even though in a lot of ways he was just as much Don Geronimo as he is Mike Sorce. In the same way, Dave! Diamond is just as much me as David Ray Bowman is. We are one and the same, just a different aspect I suppose. By the way - I HATE the name "Dave" and would never use it in my real life. Anytime I have used it is solely to placate someone else and usually by their assigning it to me, not by my choice.

I can act, and I can play a role. I was trained to believe in and accept what the Navy calls “Positional Authority” which means that rank is not as important as position at any given moment. I put that to use the day that the French CNO (Chief of Naval Operations, the #1 French Navy guy) was standing behind me aboard USS Michigan observing a missile test drill. For whatever reason that day, MTRE-6 decided to die, and I – the BSM Supervisor (Launch Director) was attempting to get the system on line. Behind me this guy kept jabbering in French and making a great deal of noise and distraction including his aides and our Naval Attaches who were trying to explain it all. After a few moments I assumed a Command attitude and informed all the visitors that they needed to be quiet and demure (and yes – I did so in a “Navy” way). There was an awkward moment of silence, followed by my resumption of the countdown in casualty mode.

Later my Div-O started chewing on me, but Lt. Dave Fritsch, my WEPS stood up for me, telling the DIV-O that I was my countdown to run, my MCC and my job. That earned Lt. Fritsch my respect and to this day he was the best officer for whom I ever worked.

I am not crazy enough to believe that I (a) know everything or (b) am always right. So here are some issues that I believe show my “reality” but I am also open to others if you want to ask. There are two subjects I will never discuss, so up front those are off limits and out of bounds. Obviously I am bound by my non-disclosure agreements with the Navy on issues that cannot be discussed. I can assure you that based on my experience (I held a TS-SIOP-ESI Clearance with a JSTPS Briefing) that I speak with authority and knowledge about certain issues but that I will not discuss how I know those things. It may not be fair, but it is the law, and in the end, you can trust me or you can trust the New York Times.

The other issue is my family life. I have been burned a couple of times trying to bring my family and close friends into my show, and what I learned is that it isn’t fair to them. Those items are off limits except in the most general of senses.

Let’s head off into the list of “beliefs” that I have talked about on the air. I will add to it as things occur to me, but for starters:

• I am a hard line military hawk conservative. My primary issues are National Security, the military, VA Issues.

• My second issue is Taxes and spending

• I am a Constitutionalist with the understanding that we CAN change it if we decide to, but we have to follow the process, not popular opinion.

• I usually have no real problem admitting when I am wrong, but one of the things that bugs the snot out of me is when people won’t acknowledge when I am right.

• My religious experience and faith could fill hours, but really is not of interest to anybody except theology wonks. In short I am Jewish because I believe – after years as an ordained pastor –that that is “What Jesus Would Do (be).”

• I am convinced that Physics proves that there MUST be a creative force (ADONAI). I need faith to convince me that in 13.7billion years of a universe that I am of any consequence to that Creator.

• I oppose abortion, but I am not a militant. I see it as a sad commentary on our society but we will never get rid of the law, so it’s a waste of time to go that route. It’s still not the law to FORCE abortions, so it’s better to change individual minds and stop it that way.

• I am not anti-tax or anti-new taxes. I am anti-wasteful spending. If you need a tax for a specific item, fine, but I oppose “general taxes” that contribute to more wasteful spending that is unaccountable. To refine that a bit, I believe in FUND ACCOUNTING. The General Fund is the worst management idea ever and should be abolished.

• I hate religious Taliban types of any faith or denomination

• I love sports, especially football, hockey and baseball. I can tolerate basketball, and I have passing interest in the minor sports. I wish that I could get into soccer, but after years of trying I simply cannot. I love to play tennis and golf.

• I am a professional musician, although I have more or less gotten out of the business. It never was my livelihood, just something that I do completely for fun.

• I oppose the Death Penalty as it is currently practiced in our country. It is unfairly applied, poorly enforced and costs far too much to implement. If we change the system I will re-evaluate it but I have always believed that if we execute one innocent person the Death Penalty is a failure. In my opinion it’s cheaper and safer to have a life sentence with no parole than to wrongly execute an innocent person. Yes, it’s rare, but it DOES happen.

• I really do like Modesto and the Great Central Valley.

That’s a start, maybe more than you wanted to know, maybe you want to know more. As long as it doesn’t cross into areas that I have designated, feel free to ask.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nekulturny Callers

Okay Delta-Sierra, I get that you “don’t like” outgoing Modesto Police Chief Roy Wasden or that the Bee did an article praising him for his almost nine years of service to the City.

Big Whoop.

If you have issues with the Modesto Bee and their stories, write them a letter and explain how much you think the Police Chief sucked and what a better job you would have done in his place.

Or even better, run for City Council and hire somebody better.

If the ToTaL sum of your complaint is that he is leaving (which he announced in December) and you now want to take a chance to dump on the guy because per capita we lead the world in Car Theft rates for three of last five years I would respectfully* submit that you are an ass-hat.

When somebody leaves a job after doing a reasonably good job it is customary to congratulate him or her and wish him or her well, which is what the Bee did. Anything less is nekulturny and best left in your barn.

Chief Wasden did a whale of a job in a difficult place to work. There aren’t very many people who would take the crap he took with the dignity and grace that he did while at the same time doing a reasonably good job.

What says the most is that when a grant deadline was missed he stood up and took the hit. The truth is that it was some low level functionary who actually screwed up, but unlike his predecessor Chief Wasden understands the principles of leadership and stood up for his Department. I am equally certain that the real culprit understands fully and frankly the consequences of the screw up and at the same time is equally impressed and grateful that his or her name never made it into the papers. That is leadership and Roy Wasden has “it.”

Congrats to Chief Wasden and to the City of Turlock.

Dave! Diamond

*respectfully so that I am not accused of cyber-bullying.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hey Modesto, Wanna Make Some Money?

If the City of Modesto really wants to make some serious money, all they'd have to do is heavily patrol Pelandale road.

The speed limit is 35 and it's a ToTaL construction zone from Dale to Coffee. So fines are double and since virtually NOBODY is following the speed limit, there would be a whole buttload of money to be made.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy

I served aboard USS Michigan SSBN-727(G) from 1982 to 1988 out of Bangor, WA. Looking back at it, there were at least three gay guys, including my best friend on the Boat - who I will not name here.

It's pretty clear to me that the only people who care at all about "Gays in the Military" are people who want to be GAY in the military, not Military people who happen to be gay.

It's time to realize two things. First: there have ALWAYS been gay people in the Military, most of whom were far more interested in a military career than a dating flock and second, that under "Don't Ask, don't tell" the ONLY way to get kicked out for being GAY is to announce that one is. So let’s face facts, it's all a political act the goal of which is to make a political and social statement as opposed to showing that gay people can and do serve honorably in the military.

It's time to drop the pretense and the policy and expect people to behave like adults in an adult environment.

Dave! Diamond

"Angels & Demons" -vs- "The Passion"

didn't take long before I started getting complaints from some listeners about our "Premiere Party" at 12:01am Friday for Angels & Demons.

"It's offensive."

"It's disrespectful to Roman Catholicism..."

So forth and so on.

Folks... it's FICTION. It's a story setting. While it might make you uncomfortable, where were your "complaints" about art being offensive when "The Passion of the Christ" showed to record crowds?

We are not the PLRI who puts out fatwa’s and jihads for popular artistic expression. If you don't want to read or see "Angels & Demons" then simply vote with your wallet and don't go.

The fact is that any time you touch on religion you are going to offend somebody. For the record, I found “The Passion” to be almost unbelievably offensive, not for its gratuitous violence but for it’s portrayal of unsound doctrine and false depiction of Jewish law and social behavior. In my view “The Passion” was little more than a screen version of Oberammergau.

Now you can be offended by that as I was by the film. But what I did was not go to see “The Passion.” If Angels & Demons offends you, then don’t go. But don’t tell me that I cannot go and enjoy myself at a fiction story about nuclear physics SET in the Vatican.

Dave! Diamond